Simon’s Cat has been playing and has made another total mess! Look very carefully and point to the last object the cat has knocked over. Shout “Simon’s Cat!” at the right time and collect as many cards from the table as possible. SIMON’S CAT – TOTAL MESS is a game for the whole family. It’s all about quick reactions and keeping your eyes on the prize!
The aim of the game is to collect as many cards as possible.
PREPARATIONShuffle the cards and place the pack with the cats facing up. | LET’S PLAY!Then the players take turns picking up cards from pack and place them in a row next to the pack with the colourful objects facing up. | LET’S CONTINUEThis continues as long as there is a symbol of a paw with a number on a card that has been turned over. If there is no symbol on the card, it means it’s time to look very carefully. | WHO WINS?!The first player to trace the objects connected together (from the first to the last card) and correctly name the last object the cat has knocked over, wins all the cards in the row. |
SPECIAL CARDSThere are several “Simon’s Cat” special cards in the pack that show Simon’s cat playing with a ball of wool in various situations. | SHOUT!!!Whenever one of the special cards appears, you must shout: “Simon’s Cat!” The first player to shout takes all the cards in the row. | WRONG ANSWER?If a player shouts first but gives the wrong answer, she/he must forfeit one of her/his cards and place it at the bottom of the pack. | THE END OF THE GAMEThe game continues until the last card is drawn from the pack. The winner is the player who has collected the most cards. |
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